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Metro: SCENERY: Tiu Keng Leng & Tseung Kwan O

Tiu Keng Leng and Tseung Kwan O are located in Sai Kung, New Territories. It is interesting that both of them have English names: the former is Rennie's Mill and the latter is Junk Bay. Yes, they have special status in Hong Kong history.

The name "Rennie's Mill" came from a British merchant who built a mill factory of powder before. Due to bad management, the mill factory went bankrupt and Rennie hang himself. In Chinese, "Tiu" means to hang (吊), "Keng" means neck (颈). "Tiu keng" means to hang oneself over the neck. Furthermore, Tiu Keng Leng was occupied by Japanese invaders during the Second World War and the latter tortured and executed people here. Hence it had long been a sinister place.

"Tseung Kwan", in Chinese meaning "General"(将军), was named in memory of a general who fought for the last emperor of Song Dynasty. Now Tseung Kwan O is a "new town", and Tseung Kwan O line has 8 stations, including 5 interchange stations to four different directions (North Point and Quarry Bay to Hong Kong Island, Yau Tong and Tiu Keng Leng to Kowloon, and Tseung Kwan O to LOHAS park and Hang Hau).

Since Tseung Kwan O is a "new town", the roads are wider and the road views are opener, which can hardly be seen on Hong Kong Island. And there I have found a metro station that does not exist but for some unknown reason the signs are not removed. That is the Sheung Tak metro station.

I searched on the net but the only information I got was that Sheung Tak was a bus terminal. Maybe Tseung Kwan O metro station was named Sheung Tak before but I did not find the document that recorded this change. I suppose it would be quite confusing if the signs are still kept because there is no Sheung Tak metro station at all.

Later I went to the Tiu Keng Leng metro station. Since it was just after the Tsing Ming Festival, the banners for directing crowds were still there. After examined the map, I went out to search for the Junk Bay. It was on the same direction as to Tseung Kwan O Cemetery.

There were many beautiful houses under construction there, and I found many people jogging and cycling near the coast.

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